• Current Starting point
  • firstbase offer
  • Angaben zur Firma
  • Information about you
  • Closure

It only takes a few steps to get to your offer for firstbase.

You then decide whether you want to apply for firstbase directly or come back to this point at a later date.

Focus industry
In which industry is your company mainly active?
In welcher Rolle stehen Sie ihr Unternehmen?
What role do you see your company playing?
Which regulatory databases do you want to achieve?
Dutch Implant Register
National Health Service (Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Global Unique Device Identification Database der FDA
Europäische Datenbank für Medizinprodukte (EU)
Do you need a GDSN connector?
A GDSN connector is necessary if you are a data sender and want to access one or more of the LIR, NHS and/or GUDID databases. You can also use the GDSN Connector to exchange your data electronically with your partners via the global data network.
Feldgruppe Art der Datenerfassung
Field group Type of data collection
Manual capture of product information in the online application of firstbase
Data suppliers and/or users exchange product information as XML or json files via the communication channels provided by firstbase. In the case of automated data exchange, we will contact you.
The decisive factor is your worldwide company turnover per year and not the turnover of the products awarded with the GS1 System.
Turnover greater than 40 Mio

Contact us to receive your tailor-made offer.


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058 800 72 36